Mr Organics has developed a new concept of continuous flow vermicomposting. Your bio-waste (peeings, coffee grounds, tea, etc. and cardboard) are transformed by earthworms into ideal compost for your plantations.
Compost Up will allow you to meet the requirements for managing biowaste at source , which is what awaits us on January 1st. Let's remember here that each person rejects on average 80kg of bio-waste per year, the equivalent of around twenty kilos of vermicompost for the home!
Since we are all concerned, we have chosen to offer the Compost Up in different sizes, from 10L for single people up to 40L for families of more than 4 people. Compost Up can also be available in a collective format for professionals.
Where to install Compost UP?
You can easily position it in your house, garage or in the garden, sheltering it from bad weather. You live in an apartment, the Compost Up will find its place on your balcony or your terrace, or in your cellar.
What earthworms eat.
Earthworms are real composting “machines”. How to feed them is simple: bring them your vegetable kitchen waste (peeings, coffee grounds, tea bags, etc.) and cardboard which will balance the carbon intake. It will also be used to absorb excess humidity provided by the plants.
Earthworms are not carnivorous, so no meat or fish!! They don't really like citrus fruits or garlic or onion peels.
With Compost Up, you will be able to reduce your waste while making your fertilizer, this is also the principle of the circular economy!